Make: Popsicle Stamped Tea Towels

Make: Popsicle Stamped Tea Towels

Make: Popsicle Stamped Tea Towels

  • Posted by magpie
  • On August 31, 2016
  • Comments

Message from Maggie:

In another rendition of my previous tea towel project, I created this popsicle version for the host of my Labor Day weekend vacation.


  • Acrylic paint (blue and brown)
  • Plastic plate
  • Plain tea towel
  • Potato
  • An iron
  • 2 paint brushes


  1. Cut a potato into the shape the popsicle part of a popsicle.
  2. Squirt some paint onto a plastic plate
  3. Using a paint brush, paint the potato that looks like a popsicle blue.
  4. Press the popsicle down firmly on the towel.
  5. Repeat adding blue paint between presses until your towel is filled with popsicles.
  6. Cut a potato to look like a popsicle stick.
  7. Using a paint brush, paint the potato that looks like a popsicle stick brown.
  8. Press the popsicle stick potato shape down firmly on the towel under the popsicle.
  9. Repeat adding brown paint between presses until your towel is filled with complete popsicles.
  10. Once towel is completely dry, place a clean rag over the tea towel and using a hot iron iron the rag to ensure the paint sets.